Why a brand new PC runs slow just after a month of usage (UPDATED 19 FEB 2021)

 In the name of Allah

It is a usual practice and I have come across to see a lot of friends and users complaining about slowing down of a PC, Mobile, Laptop or other computerised devices. Today I'll discuss the reasons behind this and the ways to resolve this issue.

First of all keep in mind that every machine whether digital or analog has some or other type of wear and tear. So, as time passes performance and efficacy must become low. The only thing you can do is to keep machine updated and if there is a requirement to change any part of it do it right away otherwise you may damage other parts.

Coming back to topic, following could be some of the reasons behind slowing down of the machines:

1: The most common issue which is usually not considered is that your machine is not getting enough power supply. One more thing is that if the machine is already running on Low DC voltage, a little change in volts or amperes could cause the machine to function improperly or machine could even stop working at all.

      Resolution: Check for minimum and maximum inputs and outputs for current. Multiply Volts and Amperes required, compare with currently available product of Volts and Amperes. If machine runs below 19Volt DC then

                   a: difference of 0.5 Amp could cause huge difference on  

                       machine performance.

                   b: difference of more than 2 Volts can cause machine to 

                       stop working at all.

                   Remember: If you are providing full DC voltage to your machine but machine has a damaged Capacitor, the machine could still fail to function properly.



We suppose that you do not have any current or voltage issue at all and everything is fine there. This supposition let us move to check out other issues:

Dump of Junk and delete-able files. The files which can be safely removed without worrying about issues. These include:

Cache, Internet History, Temporary installation files, MRU Programme History, Widows Temporary files  and downloaded program files etc.

You can manually delete these files or otherwise install some smart type application which could remove files without harming system.

To delete Internet History:

For Mozilla FireFox

Open Firefox

Press Alt

Click History in Menu

Select Clear Recent History

Select timing (How much history you want to delete)

Uncheck the boxes whom you want the browser to remember (like Saved logins)

Click OK



Article will be updated again. Keep in touch. You may ask for more in comments



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