Education for All (2nd Article)

Continuing with previous post abut the same topic;

Do you know what was the system in old eras for getting education?
How ancient people fulfilled their educational desires?

Let me explain:
there were some main ways to get educated in those days, you might get knowledge through your own observations, you could have been a student of some knowledgeable person in your village town.

What if you went for second option, what you might have paid, etc. There was a system of give and take.
Yes! You got it right. Pay something and be educated.
Now question arises, what a poor could pay at that time? He didn't have money, food or any material thing for this. Here comes the most valuable thing of life, which they paid for their education. They paid their "SERVICES", yes right their services. For whom we are being paid very less. Services like washing clothes, cleaning home, bringing food and several other services might have been sold to become an educated person. It seems easy to pay services rather than hard earned cash but if you think in deep cash is earned through selling services. So, it was too costly for a poor to get education in those times.

These people then developed systems for cheaper education, but the man of today made this system again a complicated one. What we have to do is:

1- Make education free by educating at least one Child with our own efforts.
2- If any of us is owning a school, he is advised to give scholarship education (free) to at least 3% students of his school.
3- Make people aware about benefits of educational to them and to upcoming generations.

Thank You for Understanding.

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