Travelling beyond time limits

Question: Is it possible to travel beyond time limits us?
Is it really possible for anyone to travel beyond the limits of time, can anyone watch into Roman era or is it possible to go into ancient times like B.C., or can we stay a few days in history. On the other hand can anyone make it reality that one of us traveled in future?

The answer below could help a bit. The famous writer H. G. Wales, wrote a story named "The Time Machine". The story become famous among public. The story was plotted about a device, which was able to make it possible to stay in past or go to future times. The question was, could such a machine really exist?
Suppose the man of future had invented such a machine. Then why none of them ever met us? As far our knowledge is no such evidence can be provided that any of present man went to past or any of the man of future came to us. Suppose such a machine exist and you went to your grandfathers' childhood era and killed them, in this case you will not take birth. The defenders of time machine say that even when you have traveled to such time, you will not be able to change the impacts, your gun might jam at the time of fire or your victim could have escaped successfully. Ian Stine says none can travel faster than the speed of light (such arguments have been proven wrong). Suppose you start traveling from space toward earth with speed that of light, when you will reach the earth your age will be more than that of humans on earth. So, such concepts of time machine or looking just dreams of less or not aware people out there.
Even Ian Stine says it is impossible to travel with the speed of light, some of the scientists do believe that it is possible. They have discovered that physics does not forbids such traveling in past or future. Some of their discoveries are:

Black Holes, White Hole, Worm Holes
Black hole are places where gravity is so strong (it is assumed and not a discovery) that it could even attract light toward it. Black holes are pathways to worm holes. Worm holes are like a bridge between time and space. When we go to the other side these black holes are converted to white holes.
This whole theory itself is comprised of several holes.

Taking Hold of Time
Frank Taylor believes that invention of such a time device, which could be able to take us to future or past is possible. He further says to create such a machine we will need entirely solid substance, which should be at least ten times more solid than Sun. It should be about 300- billion Miles in length then determine and assign its speed. When it starts moving with its full speed, then we will have the hold over time and space. Then we will be able to take it to future or past. For safety, you should be vaccinated very well as precaution.

As almost all of us know, no such material exists. Therefore, I am right to say once again that this theory also has holes.

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