IX Biology A-2007 , past paper

IX Biology
NOTE: Attempt SIX question in all including Q.1 which is compulsory. Choose THREE questions from any section and TWO from remaining section.
OBJECTIVE (Compulsory)
Q.1 (a) Fill in the blanks with the correct answer
i. The innermost whorl of a flower is Gynoecium
ii. Abu Ali Sina was considered one of the founders of medicine.
iii. The chemical name of cane sugar is sucrose.
iv. Mycelium of fungi is made up of hyphae.
v. Ginger and Potato are examples of underground stems.
Q.1 (b) Select the correct answer for each from the options given within brackets.
i. Kitab-ul-Manzir is written by Ibn-ul-Haitham.
(Ibn-ul-Haitham, Avecina, Al-Razi, Jabir-bin-Hayan)
ii. Proteins is considered the building material of protoplasm.
(Lipids, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Proteins)
iii. Sparrow has no teeth in the mouth.
(shark, Frog, Elephant, Sparrow)
iv. Agaricus is commonly known as Mushroom.
(Bread mold, Yeast, Mushroom, All of them)
v. Alshifa and Alqanoon fit-tib are written by Abu-Ali-Sina
(M. Bin Zikria Razi, Ibn-ul-Haitham, Abu-Ali-Sina)
SECTION “A” ZOOLOGY (Short Answer Questions)
Q.2 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the four stages of Mitosis Division in an animal cell.
Q.2 (B) Write a note on the fauna of Pakistan.
Q.2 (C) Describe the importance of the Vitamins A, B, C and D.
Q.3 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the Brain of frog.
Q.3 (B) Write four characteristics of the phylum Annelida.
Q.3 (C) Define Complete Metamorphosis and Incomplete Metamorphosis and give examples.
Q.4 (A) Write down four characteristics of the class Mammalia.
Q.4 (B) Differentiate between the Warm-blooded and Cold-blooded animals. Give one example of each and describe the class of the examples.
Q.4 (C) Write four characteristics of the phylum Mollusca.
Q.5 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the human Digestive System.
Q.5 (B) Write names of different ENDOCRINE Glands and names of Hormones secreted by these glands.
Q.5 (C) Define Biogenesis and describe by proving Louis Pasteur’s experiment.
Q.6 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the internal parts of the Ear of frog.
Q.6 (B) Define and give one example of each of the following.
i. Carnivores
ii. Herbivores
iii. Omnivores
iv. Frugivores

SECTION “B” BOTANY (Short Answer Questions)
Q.7 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the T.S of the stem of brassica.
Q.7 (B) Describe fertilization in Funaria.
Q.7 (C) Write four points on the importance of a Vascular plant.
Q.8 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram showing the internal structure of a Rod-Shaped Bacterium.
Q.8 (B) Write the names of the four whorls of a flower of brasica and write one functions of each.
Q.8 (C) Write four differences between a Monocot plant and a Dicot plant.
Q.9 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show the relation between Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis.
Q.9 (B) Write a note on the Flora of Pakistan.
Q.9 (C) Write short notes on the following
i. Endoplasmic Reticulum
ii. Mitochondria
Q.10 (A) Explain the structure of Nostoc with the help of a labelled diagram.
Q.10 (B) Define the following:
i. Observation
ii. Metabolism
iii. Deduction
iv. Vitamin
v. Experiment
Q.10 (C) State the following parts of a Brassica flower
i. Calyx
ii. Corolla
iii. Androecium
iv. Gynoecium
Q.11 (A) What are Heterotrophic plants? Write short notes on Saprophytes and Insectivorous plants.
Q.11 (B) With the help of labelled diagram explain the structure of Adiantum.
Q.11 (C) From where do water plants get carbon dioxide (CO2) for their food making process.

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