IX Biology A-2006 , past paper

IX Biology  A-2006 , past paper
Note: Answer Six questions in all including question No.1 which is compulsory,Choose Three questions from any Section and Two questions from the other Section.
OBJECTIVE ( Compulsory )
Note: In question No.1,write down the answer only against the proper number of each part of the
1.(a) Fill in the blanks with the correct answers: ( 5 )
(i) The reproductive parts of a higher plant are __________ . ( Androecium’s and Gynoecium )
(ii) The study which deals with the classification of living organisms is called ________. ( Taxonomy )
(iii) Whittaker proposed ________ kingdoms for living organisms. ( five )
(iv) Gymnosperms have __________ kinds of ovules. ( naked )
(v) Accumulation of _______________ causes the muscles to fatigue. ( Lactic Acid )
1.(b) Select the correct answer for each from the options given within brackets.( 5 )
(i) The nucleus of the cell was discovered by _________. ( Robert Hooke, Sehleiden,Robert
Brown, Virehow ).
(ii) Mustard belongs to the family ______. ( Brassicaceae, Poaeceae, Rosaceae, Palmaceae )
(iii) Bacilli bacteria are _______. ( Rounded, Rod-Shaped, Spiral-Shaped, Curved )
(iv) ________ is not a cold -blooded animal.( Fish,Cat Frog,Snake )
(v) Cuscuta plant is a _______. ( Total parasite,Partial parasite,Saprophyte,Symbiont )
( Short Answer Questions )
2.(a) Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the structure of human Tooth.                   ( 5 )
(b) What are the disorders of the Respiratory System? How is the risk to health associated with
cigarette smoking?                                ( 4 )
(c) Define Aerobic Respiration and Anaerobic Respiration and write one chemical equation of each. ( 4 )
3.(a) What is Biology? Define any four branches of Biology. ( 5 )
(b) Write four characteristics of of the phylum Protozoa. ( 4 )
(c) Write four characteristics of a Virus. ( 4 )
4.(a) Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the ventral view of Heart of frog. ( 5 )
(b) Name any four regions found in the Brain of frog and define them. ( 4 )
(c) Write the names of any four Muslims Scientists and give one contribution of each of them to
Biology. ( 4 )
5.(a) Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the human digestive System. ( 5 )
(b) Define Bio-genesis and Ablogenesis. Explain Needham’s experiment that support Ablogenesis. ( 4 )
(c) Write the names of any eight placental mammals. ( 4 )
6.(a) Write five differences between a Prokaryotie cell and a Eukarryotic cell. ( 5 )
(b) Write four characteristics of the phylum Arthropoda. ( 4 )
(c) Define and give one example of each of the following: ( 4 )
(i) Carnivores
(ii) Herbivores
(iii) Omnivores
(iv) Frugivores
SECTION ‘B’ ( Botany )
( Short Answer Questions )
7.(a) Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the T.S of the Root of brassica. ( 5 )
(b) How is A.T.P formed in a cell ? Explain. ( 4 )
(c) Write an experiment to prove that carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis. ( 4 )
8.(a) Draw a neat and labeled diagram showing the internal structure of a Rod-shaped Bacterium. ( 5)
(b) Write four points of economic importance of fungi.                       ( 4 )
(c) Write four differences between a Di-cot plant and a Mono-cot plant. ( 4 )
9.(a) Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the internal structure of Chlamydomonas. ( 5)
(b) Write four characteristics of the phylum Porifers.                ( 4 )
(c) Define the following :                          ( 4 )
(i) Biological Method
(ii) Hypothesis
(iii) Theory
(iv) Biotechnology
10.(a) Draw a neat and labeled diagram to show the relation between Cellular Respiration and
Photosynthesis.                                    ( 5)
(b) Write a note on the flora of Pakistan. ( 4 )
(c) Define the following : ( 4 )
(i) Species
(ii) Order
(iii) Class
(iv) Phylum
11.(a) Define the following : ( 5 )
(i) Observation
(ii) Metabolism
(iii) Deduction
(iv) Experiment
(v) Vitamin
(b) What are Heterotrophic plants? Define the following: ( 4 )
(i) Parasites
(ii) Saprophytes
(iii) Insectivores
(c) With the help of a labeled diagram explain the structure of Adiantum. ( 4 )

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