Eid-ul-Fitr Eid-ul-fitr is celebrated on the first of Shawwal.

Eid-ul-fitr is celebrated on the first of Shawwal.
(Abu Dawood)

On the day of eid-ul-fitr, before leaving for eid gah, pay the zakat-ul-fitr; that one "SA'A" per head (2.5 Kg) of food grain like wheat etc. On eid day wear a fine dress, eat dates, in odd number, and leave for eid gah. While on the way, keep on reciting "Takbeer" loudly. In the eid gah, (the open ground where the eid salat is offered) a spear to be dug in the ground in front of the Imam. After having reached the eid gah, offer two rikaat of salat in the company (led by the Imam) of the Imam. In the first rikaat, before the recitation of Qirat, the Imam to say loudly seven additional takbeers and in the second rikaat, before the recitation of Qirat, say five additional takbeers. With every Takbeer raise the hands (Perform Rafa-e-Yadain). The Imam should recite Surah Qa'af (Surah) in the first rikaat and surah Qamar in the second, or surah "A'ALA" in the first and Surah Ghashia in the second. There should neither be an Azaan, nor an Aqaamat for salat of eid. After the salat, the Imam, facing the followers (audience) to deliver the sermon, while being in standing position. The followers, to continuously remain in sitting position. The salat to be long, and the sermon to be short and brief one. During the sermon issue commands and directives regarding military and important non-military affairs.

Women and the girls too, to be present in the eid gah. Even, if unable to participate in the salat due to menses, should sit separately, but join the Muslimeen in saying Takbeers; and keep praying along with them. If the women cannot listen (hear) the sermon, then the Imam should go near them, and also advise them. The Imam should offer prayers at the end of the sermon.

After the sermon is over, all the people should return to their homes through changed routes. No salat to be offered, neither before nor after the salat of eid. The salat for eid is two rikaat obligatory (Farz), and its time is the same as that of "Ishraq"

When meet any one on eid day say as:

Supplication for greeting someone on Eid day
Translation: May Allah accept from us & you
(Reported in Tahni Atal Eid, Sanad: Sahih- Buloogh-ul-Amaani Volume 6, Page 157)

In case, the news regarding sighting of the eid moon has been received late, and the time for salat of eid is over, then next day, that is on 2nd of Shawwal go to eidgah, and offer there the salat of eid. However, the fast must be broken the moment the news about sighting of eid moon has been received.

There ought to be, on eid day, an expression of joy and happiness. There should be a display of war games on eid day, particularly on the day of eid-ul-fitr. There is no harm if children sing to the tune tambourine. Celebrate eid along with all the Muslims. The Salat of Eid not to be offered in a masjid.

Treat the day of eid as a day of blessings and forgiveness, and be an expectant for blessings and forgiveness only after having reached the eidgah.

Fasting on the day of eid-ul-fitr is unlawful and prohibited.
(Saheeh Bukhari)

If, due to some reason, has not been able to complete aitkaaf in the last ten. (10) days of Ramadan, then go for aitkaaf in the last ten. (10) days of Shawwal.
(Saheeh Bukhari)

No fasting on Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

The Fasts of "Shash Eid":
Any one, after having kept fasts for the month of Ramazaan, also keeps six fasts during the month of Shawwal, is like a person who has kept fasts for the whole year.
(Saheeh Muslim)