Keep your mind empty for new information to settle in it

Once a brilliant student become fond knowledge and literature. Whenever he heard about a scholar, who is only of his kind or he has some thing extra ordinary or he has something to deliver that must be learned, this student always approached such scholars to satisfy his desires of knowledge.

One day he heard about a scholar who got no match of his knowledge about philosophy and logic. As soon as this student heard about him, it make his way to meet the scholar.
The young student, when met the scholar he saw that his desired person lives in a very simple and old fashioned home. He knocked at the door, the scholar himself opened the door. He was dressed in simple clothes. Our young man told him his reason for coming there.
The scholar dealt him reasonably. From the inner the house was also had a very simple look. Young student asked several questions, which were replied by scholar in short and brief manner. The student carried on questioning and the scholar went on answering in same manner. This behaviour made young man angry.

"I came to you for learning philosophy and logic" Young man shouted.
"But you are not satisfying me with reasonable answering" The young man shouted again.

Aha! "Will you take tea?" The old scholar asked.

The young man accepted the offer, with showing feelings of anger on his face.

Old man went inside, made tea and brought it back in a tea-pot. He poured tea in the cup of young man, he continued pouring tea even when the cup was full.
The young man shouted, "What are you doing? There is no more space in the cup to hold more tea"

The scholar smiled and said, "Oh my son! Brain is just like a cup of tea, when the cup gets full it could not hold more tea in it, just like this brain cannot hold more knowledge when it is already full of knowledge. You came to me with a perception that you have got all knowledge already and that filled up your brain. If you are serious to get knowledge, you must first empty some space in your brain for new knowledge and you must say to yourself that I still want to get knowledge"

The young man understood and get relaxed. after a few moments the conversation started again. The scholar delivered all his knowledge to young man.

The young man, when left the old scholar, he felt that he had got a lot of new knowledge just because he gave space to new knowledge to come in.

So, it is necessary to keep your mind ready for new things to get adjusted in it.

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