Foolish Stag (All that Glitter is Not Gold)


             One day a stag went to a pond to drink water. There he saw his reflection in clean water. He saw his horns' reflection in water, he admired the beauty of them. He looked at the reflection of his lean and thin legs. He thought that nature had done injustice with him to give legs like that. While he was drinking water, he heard the shouting of hounds. The stag started to run, he ran as fast as his lean and ugly legs could help him. Just in few moments he was inside the woods, his legs helped him to take him away from the reach of hounds but he did not stopped. Suddenly his beautiful horns stuck into branches of a plant. He tried his best to free them but all in vain. Meanwhile the hounds came there sniffing about the stag. The hounds tore him into pieces on the spot. His beautiful horns helped him to put him to death.

1- All that Glitter is Not Gold.
2- Foolish Stag.
3- A Stag's Admiration
4- A Stag and the Hounds.

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