Biology 9th (IX/SSC-I) past paper 2008

IX Biology
NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all including Q.1 which is compulsory.Choose THREE question from any section and two questions from the remaining section.
OBJECTIVE (Compulsory)
Q.1 (a) Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.                                                                 (05)
i. The basic unit of biological classification is Species.
ii. Leaves remain cool even in sunlight due to the cooling effect to Transporation
iii. Adiantum has a spore producing body found sori.
iv. Gills are the respiratory organs in fish.
v. Malaria is caused by Plasmodium.
Q.1 (b) Select the correct answer for each from the options given within brackets.                (05)
i. The Intelligent guess of a scientist in the form of a statement is called a Hypothesis.
(An Experience, A Prediction, A Hypothesis, A Theory)
ii. Which of the following is not an alga?
(Chlorella, Volvox, Spironyra, Yeast)
iii. Which one of the following is not a cold-blooded animal?
(Fish, Cat, Frog, Cnake)
iv. Which one of the following secretions is the most acidic?
(Gastric Juice, Pancreatic Juice, Bile, Saliva)
v. A flower of Brassica contains 4 petals.
(3, 4, 5, 6)
SECTION “A” ZOOLOGY (Short Answer Questions)
Q.2 (A) Compare by drawing a chart, the composition of inhaled and exhaled air in human beings. (05)
Q.2 (B) Write four common characteristics of Virus.                                                                     (04)
Q.2 (C) Define Biogenesis and Abiogenesis. Explain Needham’s experiment that supports Abiogenesis. (04)
Q.3 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the structure of a human Tooth.                                 (05)
Q.3 (B) Define and give one example of each of the following.                                                      (04)
i. Herbivores
ii. Carnivores
iii. Omnivores
iv. Frugivores
Q.3 (C) What is the Portal System? How many kinds of Portal systems are found in frog?           (04)
Q.4 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the Digestive System of frog.                                  (05)
Q.4 (B) Write four characteristics of Mammals.                                                                          ( 04)
Q.4 (C) Write the translation of any two Quranic versed about the origin of life.                           (04)
Q.5 (A) Define the term Ventilation. Draw two neat labelled diagrams showing the two stages of ventilation i.e. inspiration and expiration in the human Respiratory System.                                  (05)
Q.5 (B) What is meant by Flora and Fauna? Write a short note on fauna of Pakistan.                  (04)
Q.5 (C) What is meant by the term Metamorphosis? Define complete Metamorphosis and Incomplete Metamorphosis.                                                                                                                        (04)
Q.6 (A) Describe Five Kingdom classification of Margu is and schwartz.                                   (05)
Q.6 (B) Write short notes on the following.                                                                               (04)
i. Bronchitis
ii. Tuberculosis
Q.6 (C) Write four characteristics of the phylum Echinodermata.                                               (04)

SECTION “B” BOTONY (Short Answer Questions)
Q.7 (A) Write five differences between a Prokaryotic Cell and a Eukaryotic Cell.                        (05)
Q.7 (B) Write two similarities between respiration and combustion and two differences between photosynthesis and respiration.
Q.7 (C) What are Insectivorous plants? Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the Leaf of a Pitcher plant.                                                                                                                                      (04)
Q.8 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the T.S of the Root of brassica.                            (05)
Q.8 (B) Describe an experiment to prove that carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis.     (04)
Q.8 (C) Write four differences between a Monocot plant and a Dicot Plant.
Q.9 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a plant cell showing that photosynthesis consists of light-dependent and light independent reactions.                                                                                (05)
Q.9 (B) Write two advantages and two disadvantages of Fungi.                                                 (04)
Q.9 (C) What is Taxonomy? What is the basis of classification? Also define “Species”.             (04)
Q.10 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a rod-shaped Bacterium.                                      (05)
Q.10 (B) Write one functions of each of the following
i. Mitochondria
ii. Golgi bodies
iii. Ribosomes
iv. Endoplasmic Reticulum
Q.10 (C) Write four salient features of Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).                                (04)
Q.11 (A) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of Chloamydomonas.                                           (05)
Q.11 (B) Write four general characteristics of Tracheophytes.                                                 (04)
Q.11 (C) Define Aerobic Respiration and write its chemical equation. Also define Anaeorobic Respiration and write its chemical equation for bacteria & fungi.                                              (05)

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