AIOU, BS/Graduation, Semester, Spring, 2019, total marks 100 Compulsory English, Assignment no, 1, Units 1-4 solved

Q.1      Suppose you are a journalist and you are required to interview a famous Pakistani philanthropist, what ten questions you will ask to obtain maximum information about his/ her life and profession?

While interviewing we must always keep in mind a few things i.e,
            After having formal conversation, the interviewer must ask for permission to ask question. If there are any sensitive questions those must be asked with special permission. Never force interviewee to say what you want him to say. Never try to put your words in his/her mouth. Do not force him/her to answer a question, which they are not willing to reply.
            When interviewing a philanthropist we have set a sequence of ten questions to get most of a short timed interview.
Q-1.       Tell me something about your life, family and how do you came in non-profit sector?
Q-2.       What were the causes or in other words what inspired you most to become a benefector or             philanthropist?
Q-3.       How much you believe in 3 T’s of philanothropy, why these are important and how they are beneficial?
Q-4.       What are the points you keep in mind for fundraising of your upcoming projects?
Q-5.       How do you see the future of philanothropy in next few years, do you worry about future of non- profit   sector if yes why and how to overcome those issues?
Q-6.       What are the matters which keep you going in tough timesm how do you tackle tough situations?
Q-7.       Do you have some bad experiences in this field, would you like to share them with us?
Q-8.       When talking about your mission do you believe that your way of work could help a lot to             eradicate this problem?
Q-9.       Keeping your targets in mind, how much time and money would be reuired to eradicate this             problem?
Q-10.    What are your suggestions for new graduates coming to the field of non-profit sector?

Q.2   Observe your mother’s daily activities closely for a few days and then write a brief and concise paragraph about her daily routine. The paragraph must be both cohesive and coherent.        (10)

My mother’s daily routine is hard and tough. My mother is about 60 years of age. Even at this stage of life she regulary gets up at the crack of the dawn. She takes bath, says her Fajar prayer and recites Holy Quraan. She then starts kitchen work and makes breakfast for whole family. She sends kids to school after preparing them at 7:00am. Then she rest for a while and starts cleaning house. When she finishes cleaning, she starts cooking food for lunch. She keeps in mind the likes and dislikes of family members and prepares several items for lunch table. The clock rings at 2 O’clock, its time to set the lunch table then she says her Zuhar prayer then. Once again she serves the family and again takes a nap for a while. After saying Asr prayer 5pm she once again heads toward the kitchen and prepares dinner for us. After refreshing us with dinner she sets bed of family members. She goes for sleep. This is how my mom spends her day.

Q.3 Write question tags for the following sentences. Notice carefully whether the statement is positive or negative in each case.  (10)  

i.              It is very pleasant today,........isn't it?
ii.   She does not take interest in her studies,..........doesn't she?
iii.          You are fond of classical music,...........Aren't you ?
iv.          She will attend a training session next week,.............wouldn't she ?
v.            The rate of inflation increases day by day, ........................isn't it?
vi.          I am a friendly person, I not?
vii.        We must follow the traffic rules,......................don't you ?
viii.      They are striving hard to be successful,.......................aren't they?
ix.          He is good at Mathematics,............................................isn't he?
x.            She can handle any situation skillfully,................................can't she ?

 Q.4  Write an informal letter to one of your cousins and congratulate her / him on achieving top position in the CSS exam.  Also suggest her/ him which particular service group she/ he should join to serve the country and the nation in the best possible ways. Give logical arguments to convince your cousin.        (20)

                                                                                                                                26 may 2019.
Dear cousin

 Subject: Congartulation on Achieving Goals

Assalam-o-Alaikum! It is a pleasure to hear that you havegot top position in CSS exams. It is good news for me. Congratulations on your mmarvelous achievement. CSS students are highly educated and experts of their fields. Now when you are part of a great family I’ll like you to suggest joining police or judicial service to serve the nation in better manner. Public have a lot of complaints about these departments, be its part to reduce complaints by running good practices. Being a civil servant you become a more responsible person of country and it is up to you to take right decisions to run the system smoothly and efficiently. Whatever the field you chose be strict at rules but kind at people.

I hope you will work for our country. I hope to see you soon.


Q.5 The following instances contain some highlighted words, guess the meaning of      these words and use them into sentences of your own.     (10)

          i.       My father will come to the school today to get the cell phone the teacher had confiscated.

ii.            After the bird escaped, he tried to coax it back into the cage with treats.

         iii.     If a wolf refuses to help its pack hunt, it becomes an outcast and must go on alone.

         iv.     While others eat eggs and pancakes for breakfast, my sister is content with a piece of toast and a glass of orange juice.

v.            The teacher stopped the students after she observed them fighting.

       1.      Police confiscated knives and other weapons from the invaders. (confiscated = held, seized, taken with authority)
      2.      It took three hours to coax women refrain from suicide. (Coax= Influence, gently urging)
      3.      Although they tried a lot, they will be outcasted in history. (Outcast=rejected by society)
      4.      Rabia is content with his current job position. (content= please, happy, satisfied)
      5.      We must observe the patient when giving so much medication. (observe=notice)

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