Panama Papers and Mian Nawaz Sharif's Family

Who is Mian Nawaz Sharif (also spelled Shareef)?
Nawaz Sharif Pics
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif

Mian Nawaz Sharif is 12th and current prime minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Born on 25th December, 1947 in Mian Sharif's home. mian Sharif was owning a molding foundry in Lahore at that time. Mian Sharif was a migrant from Jaati Umra, a place in India.

Mian Nawaz Sharif's young and educational age is not too much disclosed. Although it is said that he is a B.A, L.L.B. 

Mian Nawaz's political carrier starts when he joined Tehreeke Istiqlal in end 70s. He was then migrated from Tehreek -e- Istiqlal to Functional League. Soon after he joined Functional League he left the party and Joined Pakistan Muslim League Functional. In this party he remained until mid 80s when he joined Pakistan Muslim League Junejo Group. His pilitical carrier is mainly stood due to Former Pakistan President Late General Muhammad Zia ul Haq (also Ziaul Haque). Zia supported him so much that at first anniversery of Zia, mian Nawaz said in a sermon at Faisal Mosque Islamabad that Zia is his Political Father.

Mian Nawaz Sharif remained Punjab's Interior Minsiter, Governer and then Chief Minister in spans from 1982 to 1989. 

In 1990 he joined IJI (Islami Jamhoori Ittehad, a coalition of 10 political parties) to compete Pakistan People's Party. This alliance was successful in 1993 (Muhajir Qaumi Movement, MQM boycott this election). IJI made a good number of seats to form government, unfortunately the coalition did not last longer as their was conflict of interest between parties. Mian first time become the prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1993.
In 1995 the coalition collapsed and resulted in dissolution of assemblies by President of Pakistan ruled as per clause 58-II-B of Pakistan Ordinance ruled from 1973.
At this stage Mian formed a brand new Party and named it as Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Sharif Group.

In 1997 Mian once again nominated as Pakistan Prime Minister as Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Sharif Group gained over 90% mandate. 
Mian was accused of hijacking Chief of Army Staff's plane and the dismissed and sent out of Pakistan by General Retired Pervaiz Musharraf. 

After enjoying 10 years in Saudi Arabia, Mian came back and tried to compete in election but at that time there was ruling that no one can be a Prime minister of Pakistan Thrice also there was a ruling that he cannot compete as he was not a Graduate (this might be shocking). 

In PPPP's 5 years of governance Mian put his efforts to get passed an ordinance, which could let him become Pakistan Prime Minister third time. He succeeded and for this he kept silence for 3 years and 7 months in Pakistan Politics.

In 2013 Mian once again become Pakistan Prime Minister.

Still there.

What are Panama Papers?

Panama Papers are documents collected and leaked by ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists). ICIJ has recently revealed 10.1 Million documents of offshore companies registered through Lawfirm named Mossack Fonseca.

We have a recent update from Mossack Fonseca as under:
"Our business is regulated by several different oversight and enforcement agencies, including the Banking Superintendence of Panama and the Intendancy of Non-financial Regulated Services Providers. We are also subject to regulatory oversight and enforcement in all of the other jurisdictions where we incorporate companies. In addition, we have always complied with international protocols such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and, more recently, the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) to assure as is reasonably possible, that the companies we incorporate are not being used for tax evasion, moneylaundering, terrorist finance or other illicit purposes."

Statement clearly shows that they do not support TAX EVASION, but what if someone is using their services just for tax evasion only. It may be in their notice and might be not.

How Mian Nawaz Sharif or his Family is Involved?
As  previous para says that Mossack Fonseca has nothing to do with illegal activities, and we have asked the question what if someone using their services and has been or is involved in illegal activities.
 We do admire that Hussain Nawaz may have acquired all money through his hardship and day night work. But question is from where initial capital and investment was raised. for this we have a clip for you
Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

Clip 4

Clip 5

Now Waht Panama Paper Say but before that I would like to post something about what StAR (Stolen Assets Recovery Innitiative) says about Mian Nawaz Sharif

Nawaz Sharif
Case Control Number:                                                                                 147

Description : 
According to Pak Tribune account of a paper released by the Pakistan Muslim League (PML), the PML accused Mr. Nawaz Sharif that while he was Prime Minister, engaged in embezzlement and money laundering. It was alleged that Mr. Sharif personally and through members of his family and political associates directed $60 million in highway contracts to companies owned by himself or associates, secured $140 million in unsecured loans from Pakistan's state banks on behalf of companies owned by himself or associates, directed $60 million in government rebates on sugar exported by mills controlled by Mr. Sharif and his associates, and directed $58 million from inflated prices paid for imported wheat from the U.S. and Canada to his or associates various entities. During his time in office Mr. Sharif was also alleged to have been materially associated with Nescoll, Nielson and Shamrock registered in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Chandron Jersey Pvt. Ltd registered in the Channel Islands.

Type of Illicit activity involving Public Official :                                        Embezzlement
Impediments to investigation:                                                                      Unk
Most recent legal action against Public Official?: 
Other legal action/ other prosecutions:                                                        Unk
Region:                                                                                                           SAR
Country of Public Official:                                                                          Pakistan


"PML fact sheet terms Sharif 'failed politician'." PakTribune, Feb. 13, 2008, accessed at Baker, Ramond W. Capitalism's Achilles Heel (John Wiley & Sons, 2005), at 83 "Pak court summons Sharif in corruption case." Rediff News, Oct. 19, 2007, accessed at

Position of Public Official during scheme:                                                     Prime Minister
Is there a pending case or appeals?:                                                                Unk
UNCAC Articles(s) Implicated:                                             Art. 17             Art. 23
Money laundering Implicated?:                                                                      Yes
Year scheme began:                                                                                        1990
Corporate Vihecles Used
According to ICIJ's Panama Papers Mian Nawaz's son Hussain Nawaz and daughter Maryam Nawaz own two Limited Companies named Nescoll and Nielson Limited.

Accusitions are same
  1. Money Laundering
  2. Embezzlement
  3. Corruption
  4. Tax Evasion
  5. Hiding Assets
  6. Stealing Public Assets
  7. Misuse of Public Funds
  8. Illegal offshore Business
Stay Tuned for Updates. Not Finished.

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