NTS Test Credibility (truth revealed, must read news)

What is the credibility of National Testing Service Test
I have just sat in one test and found blunders.
It is obvious that when there are two theories or rules and both are right, then while asking an MCQ you must provide only one as right option otherwise you will only confuse the test taker.
I have personally found several mistakes and blunders in NTS test paper just in one paper i.e., for 9th scale Punjab Government Schools Education Department.
Following are the severe ones, so personally felt that these should go online and NTS tests should be forfeited immediately as they have nothing to do with selection.
Our team has also found that you have to qualify followings in order to be selected for grade 9
a) BA
b) B. Ed (optional; may be done after selection within three years of employment)
c) NTS test passed with at least 50%
d) A powerful recommendation or Rupees 250000 in hand.
In the end I'd like to ask you to forward this as much as you can.
Thanks for your kind co-operation.

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