Who Cares?

Really, who cares?
I said, "People are being killed"
I got a reply that who cares.
I noticed that people are facing hunger but I saw there was no one to care about it. Every one is on his own mission. Every one is looking for his food. Every one is selfish about how to bring some bucks when he come to his home? No one cares about babies dying of hunger and ill environment. The whole world is going to celebrate Malala Day on 14th of July, 2013.
My question are, is the Malala first ever girl born on the face of Earth?
Is she the only girl of Asia?
Is she the only girl of South Asia?
Is she the only girl of Pakistan?
who was victimized by Taliban ( I have concerns about this that she was shot by Taliban, I am aware that all this was a staged Drama scene) or she is the only girl who wants to study in peaceful environment?
Is she the only girl who wants to become a doctor?

Go back a few years, do you remember. In USA there is a prisinor name DR. Afia Siddiqui. Do you know her?

She is also a Pakistani woman. She is very very well educated. She has a remarkable past. She has an educational level, which not even a single American can fulfill. If USA and UK are so open minded and love to educate people, specially girls then why Afia Siddiqui is there for doing nothing wrong?

As I said it was pre-planned. All pre-planned. A drama whose script was written in Hollywood and filmed in Pakistan. So, that it could be a weapon for targeting South Waziristan in Pakistan. I don't know what is going to be with this blog, as I know previously there are several blogs, which were reported abusive and they were out of the index. But, when my friends made requests to put a blog to be down for having lies and misleading contents about Pakistan and Islam, nothing happened. They are only considering those whom they consider or whom they have already considered.
There is no law, they are scanning and logging my IP and activities over internet and say this is for security for others. No! this is for their own security. They have done such acollateral damage to Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Bosnia, Palestine and several other countries that they now want themselves to secure from extremists of these countries.
Tell me what USA and NATO found in Afghanistan, Mula Umer or Osama bin Laden?
none, they have found none. As per my information Osama was dead due to kidney problems back in 2007. They did Abbot Abad drama just to secure their exit from Afghanistan. What they found in Iraq. They have admired that there were no nuclear or atomic weapons found in Iraq.

But they are continuing to use Prism and tracing activities of more than 300000000 people round the globe.

I wrote a lot of intrusive things here but

Who Cares?

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