Telecommunication and its 40 years

Today it is very hard to find a person on the face of this Earth, who is not familiar with cellular phones. This generation, which uses social media to communicate and most of them use different technologies for getting online all time. Mobile or cellular phones are now a days have achieved the status of basic necessity of most of the people.

Many of us do not even know when did this all started and what steps have been taken to take this technology to bring it at current stage.

The very first call, which was made through a cellular phone, was a cal on 3rd April 1973. Even this was the first ever made call using a mobile phone, the history of mobile or wireless communication is very old. Actually Marconi started this, when he showed his telegraphic transfer in 1896. Later in 1901 Marconi first time in the history sent the radio signals crossing Atlantic Ocean. On 29th of April, 1906 Charles E. Elden was the man who claimed to have built first Vest Pocket Phone, but unfortunately he failed to show this practically.17th June, 1946 Bell Mobile Telephone Service started its radio station at Chicago.This service remained functional in northern parts of America till 1980.

In Sweden MTA was introduced in 1956. And in 1973 Motorola's Mobile Communication chief F. Mitchel contributed a remarkable role in developing Hand Held Mobile Phones. Today we are using the technology developed by Motorola in 1973. The Company's Chief Executive Martin Cooper Designed and created first Mobile Phone and he used this to call Joule S. Angel of Bell Labs on 3rd April 1973.

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