UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB, Subject: English Language

Roll No.
Examination:- B.A./B.Sc.
Subject: English Language                                                                  TIME ALLOWED: 3| hrs. 30 Minutes
PAPER; A                                                                                               MAX. MARKS: 100
Important Note:             All parts of a question must be attempted together at one place, otherwise you
may not get any credit. Over-attempts will not be marked.
All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1.    Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
if   A legacy of benefits-may we                                       ii)    And ere should wane the morning-star,
In future years be found witti those who try                            I'd don my robe and scimitar.
To labour for the good until they die.
iii) But even so, honored still more                              iv)   We live, so to speak, like spiders, and never
     That he should seek my hospitality             see the light. The mice have eaten my livery.
From out the dark door of the secret earth.                           It isn't as if there were no good  people
around, for the district's full of them.
v) Nothing's secure to-day: so we let them have the best we can while the going:s good. Give our
children a better time than we had ourselves, and-------------------
Q.2.    Attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(Each answer in about 150 words.)
i)         What are Giovanni's sentiments for Beatrice? (Rappaccri's Daughter)
ii)         Write a note on the character of Lisby. (Trie Little Willow)
iii)        "The Necklace" is a satire on the vanity of women. Discuss.
iv)       "Araby" is a psychological explanation of boys emotional and mental condition.
v)         "Something to Talk About" reflects the modem attitude towards criminals and crime. Elaborate.
Q.3.    Attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(Each answer in about 150 words.)
i)         "Sometimes I can scarcely believe that I have actually walked on the moon".
Elaborate. (Walking on the Moon) ii)         "Whistling" is a sound symbol which stands for the life and movements of birds
and of all living creatures. Discuss. (Whistling of Birds) iii)        Describe the difficulties faced by the people at the time of Independence.
(Pakistan and the Modem World) iv)       Write a note on the good manners of the conductors on the bus. (On Saying
Please) v)         Describe the origin of the word 'super*. (Super

Q.4.   'Attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(Each answer in about 150 words)
i)         According to the poet losses cannot bring any disaster. Do you agree? (One Art)
ii)         Explain the central idea of "The Solitary Reaper."
iii)        "A Poison Tree" rightly describes the poet's mental and emotional attitude
towards his enemy. Elaborate.
iv)       What are Keat's thoughts about his own life and mortality? (When I Have Fears) v)         Explain the significance of the title of the poem, "Say This City Has Ten Million
The Old Man And The Sea bv Hemingway
Q.5.    Attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(Each answer in about 150 words).
i)         Write a note on the first portion of the novel. Summary of the whole novel will not
be accepted.
ii)         Is it a novel of the triumph of man or his defeat? iii)        Discuss Santiago's attitude towards the marlin. iv)        Examine the attitude of other people towards Santiago before he set sail to catch
big fish, v)         Describe the relationship of Santiago and Manolin.

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